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Facing Mold After A Hurricane? What Should You Do?

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If you've recently returned from a hurricane evacuation to discover that your home is still filled with the unmistakable smell of floodwater, you may be wondering how to go forward. With many local and even national insurance companies overwhelmed with the number of post-Harvey and Irma claims, getting an answer back from an adjuster may take weeks--and when it comes to mold remediation, you don't have a moment to spare. Read on to learn more about the mold remediation process and what you'll need to do to get started. 

Why is seeking mold remediation immediately so important?

Whenever floodwater enters your home, it's crucial to have all the surfaces with which it's come into contact dried and sterilized quickly. Unlike rainwater, which is relatively pure even in pollution-heavy areas, floodwater can contain toxic bacteria like e.coli and heavy metals like lead and cadmium, all of which can be quite hazardous to your health. If left to dry on its own, floodwater-soaked drywall and flooring can harbor dangerous mold and bacteria that may make you and other family members sick, in addition to having a visibly damaged appearance.

Because mold can start growing quickly, having water soaked up as soon as possible after a hurricane or tropical storm is crucial to minimizing the amount of repair work you'll need to have done. Mold remediation specialists can tackle your floodwater-soaked surfaces with powerful fans and heaters, helping dry up mold spores and kill bacteria to ensure you and your family members remain safe and healthy.

How can you begin?

When insurance companies are overwhelmed after a natural disaster, it can take weeks to line up services and assess damages. Often, your best bet is simply to pay for these services out of pocket and then seek reimbursement from your insurance company. Because time is of the essence when tackling water damage, especially floodwater-related damage after a hurricane, seeking mold remediation services quickly can help you stave off far more expensive and inconvenient damage later. 

In addition, it's possible this damage won't be covered under your insurance anyway. Many homeowners in Florida, Texas, and Louisiana have been dismayed to learn that their regular homeowners' insurance policy doesn't cover flood-related damage, even if this policy included a separate rider for "hurricane insurance." The last thing you want to do is wait on your insurance agent to approve repairs, only to find out that the necessary repairs won't be covered. Contact a service, like Safe-Way Waterproofing & Mold Remediation, for more help.
